
Click on the picture to learn more!


Baby Rosebuds and Begonias


Toddler Tulips


Tiger Lily 2's


Daisy 3's


Sunflower 4's




“Art Appreciation” By Simply Montessori 2020

The method emphasizes the PROCESS of creating art versus the PRODUCT because children need to be encouraged by the teacher to discover and experiment within the art area of the classroom. This can be done by an assortment of art mediums such as watercolors, charcoal, finger paint, pastels, etc. Children will have the freedom of expression that will allow for a child to explore and experiment with their ideas and materials. As the teacher explores the PROCESS with her students, they will discover their full potential. 



“First Steps in Music for Infants and Beyond” by John M. Feierabend 2020

In this curriculum, teachers will nurture a child’s musical growth and lay the groundwork for a lifelong enjoyment of music. Development of these skills will be done with our infants and up to pre-k students. All children will enjoy the process of music by exploring it with movement of skills and practical experiences that will shine through musical activities such as singing, instrument play, hand movements and much more.



“Preschool +Pre-K Social Emotional Learning Curriculum” By: Lovely Commotion Preschool Resources 2022

This curriculum will be used for teachers to incorporate core social skills. Self-reflection and self-management will be taught through the engagement of storytelling, classmate bonding activities & games, as well as other resources. Students will also work to achieve & develop decision-making skills and responsible behaviors that can be used & applied to real-world situations in and out of the classroom.



One of our biggest blessings at Open Arms is our full size gym. All of our classes have access to this area. During the long cold months or on rainy days, it is wonderful to have a place to run out all of our wiggles.



Once a week our 2, 3, 4, and 5 year old classes enjoy the library. Special stories are read to the children. The 5 year old class enjoys the privilege of checking out a book from the collection.  

Additional Programs

Soccer Shots



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